Private radio station "Nan" forced to close by local officials in Khost Province

Private radio station "Nan" forced to close by local officials in Khost Province

January 16, 2024

Khost, Khost province - The private "Nan" radio station in southeastern Khost province has been abruptly shut down today by local Taliban officials citing a "legal issue." The Afghanistan Journalists Center expresses serious concern over this incident and urges for the immediate reopening of the radio station without any conditions.

An employee of Nan radio told AFJC, "The security forces of the Khost Police Command arrived at the radio building in the second district of Khost at around 12 noon today. While threatening the employees, they forcibly removed the devices and equipment of Radio Nan from this building. They kicked out the media and closed its gate."

He added, "Following this action, Nan radio stopped working, and the employees were also ordered to leave the place." This source further stated that four employees of Nan radio were arrested today while evacuating the media building. They were released after about two hours. However, Safir Mohammad Zadran, one of the owners of the radio, who was arrested a week ago, has not been released until now.

But Tahir Ahrar, the spokesman of the Taliban police in Khost province, told AFJC, "Today's action by the security forces was based on the verdict of the Khost Primary Court. The court ruled that the owner of the radio station should vacate the building due to non-payment of monthly rent, and this ruling was implemented today."

Ahrar added, "We have no problem with the continuation of Nan Radio. The owner of the radio can move his equipment to another place and reopen the radio in accordance with the law."

However, it is important to note that Article 4 of Afghanistan's Media Law, which is held as applicable by the Taliban government, expressly prohibits any real person or authority from restricting, censoring, or interfering with the free activity of news or information media. AFJC stresses the necessity of implementing the media law and urges the local officials in Khost province to facilitate the swift reopening of this local media outlet.

Nan radio was established in Khost city, the capital of Khost province, at the beginning of 2010. The radio station produces and broadcasts various programs covering politics, society, culture, sports, and religion. Nan radio is accessible on the frequency 89.1 FM in Khost and its surrounding areas.