The body of a radio presenter was received from well

The body of a radio presenter was received from well

May 21, 2013

Afghanistan Journalists Center seriously condemns the mysterious murder of Mohammad Mohsen Hashmi, the presenter and technician of Voice of Najrab radio in Kapisa province.

Founder and chief of the private -owned Radio Voice of Najrab, Abul Motalleb Hamed, said the body of Mohammad Mohsen which is shut in his head and has serious injury in the neck, received from a well in Parayat village of the district, on Monday afternoon, May 20.

Mohsen hasemi, 30, who worked at the radio for four years, was presenter of "Murwareed-i-Honar", a literary program and "Roydadhaye Hafte" a social and political program, but he hadn’t come to the station for the last 18 days. He said.

The family members of Mohsen Hashimi were refusing to comment on his death, Abdul Motalleb added.

The district governor, Abdul Wadood Haidari, told the case is appeared to be a family dispute and police has arrested three family members for interrogation.

It is the second case of murder of journalist in Kapisa province in the last three months.

About three months ago, the presenter of private-owned radio, Dunya Zakeri, 18, was found dead in his house in Charikar city, capital of the province.

Dunya's family was refusing to comment on her death and no police action has taken to account yet.

Afghanistan Journalists Center considers these cases major threats to the freedom of expression in the country, especially in Kapisa and call upon local government authorities to pursue them seriously.