Expressing Willingness to Contribute: A Message from Nukhust Daily's Chief Editor

In the name of Allah

Dear Afghanistan Journalists Center colleagues,

I have recently visited your website, and I was genuinely impressed with the essential services and initiatives that you provide to the community. I am Hashmatullah Radfar, the Chief Editor of Nukhust Daily, and I would like to express my willingness to contribute to your projects further. I am pleased to see that a reputable organization such as Afghanistan Journalists Center, has been operating within the western regions of our country. Your commitment towards enhancing the standards of journalism and media initiatives and advocating for freedom of expression is highly commendable. Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the outstanding achievements that you have accomplished thus far. I am proud to have an organization like the Afghanistan Journalists Center representing the journalism community in our country.

Sincerely, Hashmatullah Radfar

Chief Editor of Nukhust Daily

January 3, 2011