September 19, 2019
Geneva—The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), an international organization specializing in protecting freedom of the press worldwide, announced that Afghanistan Journalists Center (AFJC) is the recipient of the prestigious PEC 2019 international award.
At a ceremony held at the Swiss Press Club in Geneva on Thursday, senior journalists and diplomats gathered to witness the organization honor the AFJC. The AFJC was chosen for the annual award due to its active role in protecting journalists in Afghanistan.
During a press conference in Geneva, Blaise Lempen, the Secretary-General of PEC, presented the prize to Ahmad Quraishi, the Executive Director of AFJC. Lempen stated, "The Press Emblem Campaign, which is dedicated to protecting journalists in conflict zones, presents an award each year to an individual or organization that demonstrates exceptional courage in defending freedom of the press and fighting against impunity. This year, the PEC committee selected the Afghanistan Journalists Center because it met all the criteria. The AFJC, despite limited resources, works tirelessly to defend the rights of Afghan journalists and ensure freedom of the press in Afghanistan."
Lempen stressed the importance of press freedom in Afghanistan, saying, "Afghanistan is at a decisive point. Press freedom is at risk, with terrorist groups posing a constant threat to journalists, particularly women journalists. The United Nations has adopted several resolutions on the safety of journalists, and Afghanistan serves as a prime example. Without freedom of the press, there can be no democratic debate. Therefore, the PEC calls on Afghan authorities to prioritize the safety of journalists with the support of the international community."
Upon receiving the award, AFJC Director Ahmad Quraishi expressed his gratitude, saying, "I am thrilled and honored to receive this prestigious award and join the ranks of past recipients whom I have long admired and respected."
Quraishi went on to dedicate the award to his team, stating, "This award is a tribute to my team for their tireless efforts. I would also like to dedicate it to the unsung heroes of journalism in Afghanistan, who risk their lives every day, and to the journalists who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their profession."
Nasir Andisha, the permanent representative of Afghanistan to the United Nations Office at Geneva, commended the Press Emblem Award for selecting the AFJC as the recipient of the PEC 2019 award.
Andisha expressed his gratitude, saying, "I would like to take this opportunity to honor all those who have fought for freedom, especially our fellow journalists who have endured years of suffering and hardship in their quest for freedom of expression and public awareness, and who have sacrificed their lives in the defense of this freedom. We pay tribute to the memory of all champions of freedom of expression. I congratulate Mr. Ahmad Quraishi and the AFJC for being chosen for this important media award, and I thank the organizers of this event, particularly the representative of the Swiss Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Secretary General of PEC, for their support."
Ambassador Andisha emphasized the ongoing battle against radicalism, fanaticism, prejudice, and terrorism, stating, "We are at the forefront of the current fight for freedom of expression, tolerance, and harmony. Our Afghan journalists, both women and men, have shown their dedication to this noble cause through their blood and sweat."