Afghan Journalists in Kabul, Wakil Kohsar/AFP
February 21, 2023
Lashkargah, Helmand - The Afghanistan Journalists Center(AFJC) issued an urgent plea on Tuesday, urging the Taliban to revoke the ban on journalists documenting through photography and video storytelling in the southern Helmand province. This appeal follows the revelation of concerning reports acquired by AFJC.
During a meeting with journalists in Helmand, a representative of the provincial governor revealed the local administration's order, as disclosed by a journalist who spoke to AFJC on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals. Allegedly, journalists are now prohibited from capturing images or videos during interviews with officials or Helmand residents. Additionally, the daily reportages from the province have suddenly ceased to include visual content, a rare development according to the same journalist.
However, a separate source in the province, requesting anonymity, informed AFJC that government departments in Helmand were cautioned against allowing journalists to document through photography or video interviews. It is believed that certain individuals within the leadership structure are rigidly adhering to their interpretation of Islam and consider the act of photography and filming of living beings to be in violation of Shariah, the Islamic legal code.
AFJC strongly condemns the Taliban's ban on journalists in Helmand province, deeming it a severe infringement upon media freedom. AFJC consequently calls upon the authorities to promptly lift this ban, thereby allowing journalists to work freely and without fear.